Caring for the Carer's Award


The "Caring for the Carer's Award" is an esteemed recognition established to honour individuals or groups who provide exceptional professional care for frontline mental health care workers. This award acknowledges the vital role these carers play in fostering the well-being and resilience of those who support our community's mental health. The award is dedicated in memory of the late Scott Stephen, a Third Space Charity Alumni who tragically lost his life to suicide. 

Nomination Criteria

  1. Dedication: The nominee must demonstrate an unwavering commitment to providing professional care and support to frontline mental health workers.

  2. Impact: The nominee should make a significant positive impact on the lives of frontline mental health workers or the broader community.

  3. Compassion: The nominee should exhibit exceptional empathy, kindness, and understanding in their professional caregiving activities.

  4. Resilience: The nominee should show remarkable perseverance and strength in overcoming challenges associated with caregiving.

  5. Community Involvement: The nominee should actively engage with and contribute to the community, fostering a supportive environment for frontline mental health workers.

  6. Professionalism: The nominee should maintain high standards of professionalism in their caregiving role.

  7. Innovative Approach: The nominee should demonstrate innovative methods or practices in providing care and support to frontline mental health workers.

How to Nominate

To nominate a deserving individual or group for the Caring for the Carer's Award, please complete the nomination form.

Provide detailed information about the nominee’s caregiving activities, the impact they have made, and why you believe they deserve this recognition. Nominations are open until September 30th , 2024. The award will be given to this year’s recipient at our Annual Benefit Concert on October 25th, 2024.

Highlighting Our 2023 Winner: Melissa Berry Appleton

Last year, we proudly presented the inaugural Caring for the Carer's Award to Melissa Berry Appleton. Melissa, a Buddhist chaplain, meditation and movement practitioner, and a candidate for a master’s degree in clinical counselling, has been a steadfast supporter of Third Space Charity and its master’s level counselling interns for years.

Melissa Berry Appleton

Melissa’s dedication to the well-being of frontline mental health workers is unparalleled. She teaches a model that helps our team make space for others’ suffering without internalizing it, fostering resilience and strength among our interns. Her impact on our organization and the community is profound, and we are deeply grateful for her contributions. Her dedication, compassion, and resilience inspire us all. To learn more about Melissa and her work, please visit her website at Melissa Berry Appleton.

Join us in recognizing and celebrating the exceptional individuals and groups who provide professional care for frontline mental health workers in our community by nominating someone for the Caring for the Carer's Award. Your nomination can help shine a light on the unsung heroes who make a profound difference in the lives of those who are on the front lines.